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Ford Mustang V8 Automatik mit TÜV und H 1968

General description :

Ford Mustang Bj. 1968 C CODE Original V8 mit 289 cbinch

der Mustang stammt aus Californien und ist absolut frei von Durchrostungen

Super gerade / unfallfreie Karosserie mit einem genialem Unterboden

Uralter ehrlicher Lack mit gutem Glanz und leichten Gebrauchsspuren der Jahre

- 289 cbinch (4,7l) Motor
- 3 Gang Automatik
- nagelneue Doppelrohr Auspuffanlage mit schönen V8 Sound
- Stahl Felgen 14" mit neuwertigen Weisswandreifen Reifen 215-70-14
- Nagelneue Innenausstattung mit neuen Bezügen
- Lenkungs-, und Spurstangenmanschetten mit Köpfen getauscht
- Traggelenke und Querlenker neu
- Stabillisatoren neu
- Bremsschläuche und Bremsen neu
- neue Stossdämpfer vorne und hinten wurden montiert
- Papiere aus Californien vorhanden als Nachweis der Herkunft

Der Mustang hat bereits Tüv und H Zulassung, das Auto ist verzollt und versteuert für die EU alle anfallenden Kosten sind beglichen und enthalten.

~ 80 weitere Bilder in der Dropbox ersichtlich, einfach nachfolgenden Link kopieren und im Browser einfügen

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1968 Ford Mustang V8 Automatik mit TÜV und H is listed for sale on ClassicDigest in Leharstrasse 11-13DE-36391 Sinntal-Weiperz by Classic Cars Björn Gärtner for €22500.


Car Facts

Car type : Car Make : Ford Model : Mustang Model Version : V8 Automatik mit TÜV und H Engine size : 4.7 Model Year : 1968 Sub type : Coupé Location : Leharstrasse 11-13DE-36391 Sinntal-Weiperz Vehicle Registration : Undefined

22500 €

Seller Information

Classic Cars Björn Gärtner

Classic Cars Björn Gärtner
+49 (0)6664 218982068
Contact Seller

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About Ford
Ford, founded in 1902, has arguably changed the history of automotive world more than any other car manufacturer by introducing the first people's car Model T in 1908. They had produced more than 15 million cars by the end of the production in 1927, by which T had become obsolete.

Ford launched the first low priced V8 engine powered car in 1932. 1932 V8 was an instant hit with superior handling and performance to many far more expansive cars of the day. No wonder 32 V8 Ford has become such a favourite among hot rodders around the world with 32 Deuce coupe as their icon.

During the war Ford completely shut down civilian vehicle production to dedicate all its resources to the Allied war efforts (1942-45) They used to build B-24 bombers, aircraft engines, jeeps, M-4 tanks, military trucks and Bren-gun carriers and more than 30,000 super-charged Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 engines for Mosquito and Lancaster bombers as well as P-51 Mustang fighters. After the war Ford cars in the USA got bigger and flashier along with their competitors. In the 60's Ford was back in the forefront again when introducing their commercial hit Mustang in 1964. Mustang was so popular the competition had to follow Ford's example and the ponycar phenomenon took over the US. Over the years the ponies grew some muscles until the oil crisis kill finally killed them off.

In the sixties Ford rushed into international motor sports scene with a fury. After unsuccessful Ferrari takeover, when Enzo Ferrari had cut the deal off with Henry Ford II making the latter absolutely boil with fury, Ford turned to Lola in UK to produce a Ferrari beating long distance racer after. The collaboration between Ford and Lola created the mighty Ford GT40 that absolutely beat Ferrari in Le Mans 24 numerous times.

In Europe, Ford introduced some of the most epic race and rally cars of the 60's based on humble family sedans; Cortina GT, Lotus Cortina, Escort Twin Cam, and Escort 1600RS with the iconic Cosworth BDA engines.

Today classic Fords are extremely popular with enthusiasts and a great selection of classic Fords can be found for sale at