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Datsun 280Z 1979


This handsome 1979 Datsun 280ZX represents the last of the 2-seater Z-cars that changed the automotive landscape in the 1970s. As some newer models prove, cars like this will always have a place in our garages and in our hearts, and this Z is a fantastic way to enjoy the ride.
Looking at the shape, it's clear that there's a little bit of E-Type Jag in there, maybe a hint of Corvette, and plenty of MG, too. Fast, light, agile, and affordable, even today, this Z is a delight. It's also nicer than most, with a recent repaint in the original Maroon Mist metallic, which is a perfect '70s burnt orange kind of color that still looks great. It's also been fitted with a deeper chin spoiler that accentuates the long, lean, low look of the Z without taking away from the clean overall look. Cars like this were often put away as sunny-day drivers, and as a result, this one shows none of the bumps and bruises of the daily grind. Chrome was still in fashion, so there are plenty of bright pieces, including both bumpers, the stainless around the windows, and even the rub strips along the sides, all of which remains in very good shape. Even things like the rubber bumper overriders are supple and haven't been cooked by UV rays, suggesting that this car has led a very sheltered existence.
One of the Z-car's biggest successes is the interior, which is both sporting and functional. The bucket seats were designed by guys who knew the car would be used to its potential, so they have thicker bolsters than most cars of the period, and grippy cloth instead of vinyl helps hold you in place. Of course, all of this remains in great condition, showing only very minor wear aside from some light discoloration of the plastic parts, most notably the steering wheel and console, but it's not particularly noticeable. The dash is full of easy-to-read instruments, including a row of auxiliary gauges in the center, a look that is still evident today in the Nissan GT-R. This particular 280ZX is also luxurious, featuring factory A/C, power windows and locks, and an AM/FM/cassette stereo, all of which are fully functional. There's a positively massive trunk area under the rear hatch, because this is the 2-seater model, and the original carpets show almost no wear or fading, which is a rare thing in a car with that much hatch glass.
The L28E 2.8 liter inline-six is a fantastic motor. Torquey, yet eager to rev, it was enlarged to better suit American driving tastes, as well as to make the automatic transmission a reality. It still has that same baritone wail that epitomizes big-horsepower inline-sixes, and because it's a Nissan, it's reliable and smooth. The engine bay is a bit crusty but retains almost all its original equipment, and that tangle of hoses is how the factory did it, but don't worry, it has all been regularly serviced and is in excellent running condition. An MSD ignition has been added and it fires easily and idles smoothly, so don't be afraid to rev it. It's quite clean underneath thanks to a lifetime in Georgia, and it doesn't look like there's much deviation from stock, as it even wears its original catalytic converter. The 5-speed manual transmission is a pleasure to run through the gears and stylish Koenig alloy wheels wear 215/60/15 Kumho blackwall radials for an updated look.
Today, as when it was new, this 280ZX is a lot of performance for the money. Call today!

Features : Air Conditioning, AM/FM Radio, Cassette Player, Cloth Interior, Defrost, Four Wheel Disc Brakes, Fuel Injection, Heat, Power Brakes, Power Locks, Power Steering, Power Windows, Seatbelts

1979 Datsun 280Z is listed verkauft on ClassicDigest in Lithia Springs by Streetside Classics for $12995.


Fakten der Auto

Karosserietyp : Auto Marke : Datsun Modell : 280Z Hubraum : 0.0 Modelljahr : 1979 Karosstyp : Coupé Lage : Atlanta


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Mit dem Einzug der 60er Jahre enthüllte Datsun den 240Z, ein Sportwagen, der einen Samurai in Flip-Flops überholen konnte. Er hatte die Geschwindigkeit eines Geparden und ein Design, das Köpfe schneller drehte als ein Ninja auf Rollschuhen. Der 240Z wurde sofort zum Klassiker und zeigte, dass Datsun mehr war als nur eigenartige kleine Autos.

In den 70er Jahren brachte Datsun den 510 auf den Markt, eine Limousine mit der Agilität eines Ninjas und einer Federung so geschmeidig, dass man glauben konnte, man schwebe auf einer Wolke. Familien in ganz Amerika feierten ihn als das Auto, das alles transportieren konnte - von Lebensmitteln bis zu Omas - ohne ins Schwitzen zu geraten.

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Dann, in den 80ern, machte Datsun einen cleveren Schachzug und änderte ihren Namen in Nissan und ließ uns alle ein wenig verwirrt zurück. Aber sie fuhren fort, fantastische Autos herzustellen, die flotter waren als ein Sushi-Koch an einem Samstagabend.

Und das ist die humorvolle Geschichte, wie Datsun - oder sollte ich sagen Nissan - den amerikanischen Markt erobert hat, ein eigenartiges, aber liebenswertes Auto nach dem anderen.

Was die einflussreichsten Datsun-Modelle und ihre technischen Daten betrifft:

Datsun 240Z: Der 240Z war eine Sensation im Sportwagenbereich. Er verfügte über einen 2,4-Liter-Reihensechszylindermotor, der etwa 150 PS leistete. Mit Heckantrieb und eleganter Optik war er ein Vergnügen zu fahren und ein Stilikone seiner Zeit.
Datsun 510: Der Datsun 510, erhältlich als Limousine und Kombi, war beliebt für sein Handling und seine Langlebigkeit. Er hatte in der Regel einen Vierzylindermotor mit rund 96 PS und war bekannt für seine agile Federung.
Datsun 510 Kombi: Der Datsun 510 Kombi war wie eine Tardis, mit einem täuschend geräumigen Innenraum. Er teilte den gleichen Motor wie die Limousine und bot außergewöhnliche Vielseitigkeit für Familien unterwegs.
Diese Datsun-Modelle hinterließen mit ihrem eigenartigen Charme, ihrer Leistung und ihrer Praktikabilität ein bleibendes Erbe und sind nach wie vor beliebte Klassiker in den Herzen von Autoenthusiasten und Familien gleichermaßen.