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Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman State Landaulet 6.3 1971

Allgemeine Beschreibung : One Presidential Owner from new
Only 24,900 Miles
Unique Opportunity
Concours Standard
One of only 59 Landaulets, the most coveted limousine of all time
Often considered the greatest Mercedes ever built

1977 Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman State Landaulet For Sale in London (LHD)

We are absolutely delighted to offer a truly stunning example of what is arguably the greatest and most highly-sought after limousine of all time, the Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman State Landaulet.

From its conception in 1963, the Mercedes 600 immediately became the definition of luxury, elegance as well as technological advancement in the motoring world. Their advertising line at the time for the 600 was “we give our designers the luxury of creative freedom backed by scientific research” and that was more than evident in the finished product.

The car was incredibly advanced at the time and still remains contemporary in many ways. It was one of the first Mercedes’ to feature air-suspension, an advanced system developed from the Fintail (Heckflosse) W112 model, as well as featuring 4-wheel disk brakes, power steering of course but most impressive in its technological arsenal was its use of hydraulics to power key functions. The door latches were hydraulic, as were the windows which raise and lower, both with incredible and unrivalled speed but also with great power. The power boot, also hydraulic, operates with similar rapidity and strength and could probably give a 600 a second life as the world’s most luxurious guillotine, though this is not recommended. The Landaulet hood operates with great efficiency too as it is also (and this should be of little surprise by this point) hydraulically operated. Underneath the vast, imposing bonnet and behind the dignified radiator grille lies the famous M-100, 6.3 Litre V8 engine which would later power the iconic Mercedes 300SEL 6.3 super-saloon and develop into the 6.9 engine in the 450SEL.

600 production was incredibly low, with only a total of 2,677 cars produced, made up of 2,190 Grossers (saloons), 428 Pullmans (limousines) of which 124 were six-door cars, and the rarest of them all, the Landaulet at only 59 examples. These are small numbers for a car produced across 3 decades, from 1964 all the way to 1981, but considering its price and exclusivity, this is not so surprising and is if anything, very impressive.

All this luxury came at considerable cost and at its launch, the Mercedes 600 was the most expensive car in the world. The Grosser (SWB model) alone was more expensive than any other car on sale (at $22,000 in 1963) and the Pullman was even more costly at some fair way. And the standard Pullman (if one could ever call one standard) wasn’t even the flagship model, for this role lay in the hands of the vastly elegant, ultimate expression of power, authority and wealth, the 600 Landaulet.

Many celebrities were proud owners of 600 models, including but not limited to Jack Nicholson, George Harrison (who owned a Grosser and a Pullman), John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Pete Townshend ( who also owned a Grosser and a Pullman) Hugh Hefner, Karen Carpenter, Elvis Presley, Coco Chanel, Jay Kay among countless others. Rock and general music legend and icon David Bowie held the particular distinction of being the only celebrity to have owned a Landaulet, coincidentally a car in the same specification as ours, finished in Raven Black with dark red leather interior. But the number of world leaders (often dictators) whose fleets included a (or numerous) 600s completely outweigh the list of celebrity owners. From the Belgian Royal Family and the German Government, to tens of African nations as well as communist leaders such as Leonid Brezhnev, the North Korean Kim Dynasty, Tito and most notably, Mao Tse-Tung who reportedly owned between 13 and 20 of these magnificent beasts.

But for our car, one leader plays a key role in its history and that is the former President of Togo from 1967 to 2005 (at the time the longest-serving ruler in the whole of Africa), Gnassingbé Eyadéma. He was certainly a notable owner of 600 Landaulets, having owned 3 (one being this beautiful example) of only 59 cars ever built making him one of the model’s most prominent owners. And Africa was by far the model’s (and potentially the 600 in general) biggest market, with over 20 being sold there. Eyadema was often photographed in parades in his Landaulets, for example welcoming French President George Pompidou on a tour of the nation. We’ve also found some footage of what is most likely our car with him being driven in it and he can even be seen riding in the back of a Landaulet in a comic book, titled Eyadema, Histoire Du Togo.

Our car is one of the most stunning examples one could ever dream of finding, looking as if it had just rolled out of the Sindelfingen factory gates. It has covered a mere 24,900 miles from new and thanks to a concours standard retrim, the car is just as beautiful inside as it is out, making it a real sight to behold. Owning such an automobile gives one not only a car with unrivalled presence, but also the definition of luxury, even by today’s standards. The car was a true world beater back at its launch and remains so today, leaving its rivals of past and present bowing in respect at the pinnacle of what a car can be.

Ready for immediate viewing at DD Classics Dealership in London, please call 0208 878 3355 for more information.

1971 Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman State Landaulet 6.3 is listed verkauft on ClassicDigest in Surrey by DD Classics for £1100000.


Fakten der Auto

Karosserietyp : Auto Marke : Mercedes-Benz Modell : 600 Ausführung : Pullman State Landaulet 6.3 Hubraum : 6.3 Modelljahr : 1971 Karosstyp : Sedan Lage : Surrey


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über Mercedes-Benz 600
In 1886 Karl Benz built Benz Patent Motorwagen widely regarded as the first automobile. Little did he know this was to be the beginning of the world's most renown premium car manufacturer. -Mind you the venture was financed by his wife Bertha Benz.

Not too far Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, started marketing their car in 1901 using now famous name: Mercedes (Spanish for godsend), which was chosen after their distributor Emil Jellinek's daughter.

To make a long story short, Daimler merged in 1926 with Benz & Cie., becoming Daimler-Benz and adopting Mercedes-Benz as its automobile trademark

Although deemed by some conservative the truth is actually quite the opposite, Daimler-Benz history is filled with 'firsts': Honeycomb radiator, float carburetor, four wheel brakes 1924, (although Duesenburg Model A was reported to be sporting them as early as 1922), first diesel powered passenger car in 1936, the Mercedes-Benz 260 D, first direct fuel injection in the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing (well not really as tiny 2-stroke Gutbrod actually had the first direct fuel injection) ) front and rear crumple zones ie. safety cell by Béla Barényi patented in 1951 and introduced in “Ponton”-models , Anti-Lock Brake system (ABS) was first offered on the W116 450SEL 6.9, first production airbags...and the list goes on.

During its 100+ years Mercedes has produced more than a fair share of iconic cars; SSKL , 710 SSK Trossi Roadster, 770K Grosser, 540K Spezial Roadster, 300SL Gullwing, w100 600 Pullman, w111 280SE 3.5 Flachkühler, w113 230SL Pagoda, w109 300 SEL 6.3, w201 2.3-16 Cosworth to name just a few.

One should not forget the famous Silver Arrows (Silberpfeile) either: W 25, W 125, w154, w165, w196 all of which were more than capable of trashing their opponents on the track.

Der Kauf des w100 600, der hier angekündigt wurde, könntest du dem Bandwagen von zwei Besitzern mit anschließen: Achille Lauro
Anwar Sadat
Armand Hammer
Baron Hilton
Bill Cosby
Claus von Bülow
Danielle Stahl
Diana Ross
Elvis Pressley
Francis Ford Coppola, Pullman
Friederich Behren von Krupp
George Harrison, Pullman
Haile Selassie
Hugh Heffner
Idi Amin
Imelda Marcos
Jai Kay von Jamiroquai
Jerry Lewis
John Lennon
König Faud
König von Botsuana
König von Gabun
König von Tonga
Malcomb Forbes
Mao Tse Tung, mehrere
Marshall Tito, mehrere mit Landaulet
Mary Wilson von den Supremes, Pullman - ex Lennon
Mick Fleetwood von Fleetwood Mack
Nicolai Ceaucescu, mehrere mit 2 Landauletten
Präsident der Elfenbeinküste Landaulet
Prinz Sihanouk
Königin Elizabeth die zweite
Königin Sirikit, Thailand Pullman
Ringo Starr
Robert Stack
Roy Orbison
Shah von Persien mehrere mit Landaulet
Der Papst
Der Sultan von Brunei
Tina Onassis
Wayne Newton
William Holden
William Randolph Hearst
Yul Bryner