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Ford De Luxe 275ci Flathead 1939

Allmän beskrivning : 1939 Ford Deluxe Period-Correct 1939 Ford Deluxe Reliability and performance describes the highest standards of this custom build. One look and you'll be in love. A traditional hot rod in execution as well as preparation has become a lost art. You need to start with a properly built Ford flat head. The famed Flat Head engine builder Ben Lismacki built the 275ci. As the saying goes, it "Has All the Right Stuff." Start with Offenhauser polished intake topped with 3-97 carbs. The tri-power is the correct look and, yes, reliable for any journey, and do so using period-correct components! The Edelbrock finned aluminum polished heads, and chrome oil filter, takes one's breath away. A few up grades like an electric fuel pump with a fuel pressure regulator, as well a 12-volt system with a chrome alternator. A polished aluminum radiator with a high flow electric fan keeps the '39 cool under any driving condition. It is mated to a 3-speed manual transmission. In keeping to the classic style, a dropped axle with a mono-leaf front sprung suspension, front and rear sway bars and tube shocks gives the perfect ride. A few other must have safety upgrades for today's driving are the turn signals, high and low beam headlights, and electric wipers. The '39 has all new wiring by Painless Wiring including modern fuel box. Let's not overlook the Vintage Air heater. The joy of a classic is in the look of the dash gauges. Keeping the original gauge package and yes, the dash clock. The two-tone cloth upholstery was done by Ken Muth. A more comfortable ride would be hard to find. The painted wood dash, door and window trim is stunning. The body metal work was done by Joe Maxwell Metal Works. The brilliant robin egg blue paint is thanks to Peterson Customs. The finishing touch of custom pin stripes by "Hot Rod MacKenzie." The '39 successfully is done in true traditional style! Park it in your garage for $29,995.00! This car is located in Edmonds, Washington.

1939 Ford De Luxe 275ci Flathead is listed till salu on ClassicDigest in Arlington by Cris & Sherry Lofgren for $29995.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Ford Modell : De Luxe Modellversion : 275ci Flathead Motorvolym : 0.0 Årsmodell : 1939 Läge : Arlington Fordon Registrering : Odefinierad

29995 $

Information om säljaren

Classical Gas Motors

Cris & Sherry Lofgren
(682) 429-1010
Kontakta säljaren

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Under kriget Ford helt stänga civil bilproduktionen att ägna alla sina resurser till de allierade krigsansträngningarna (1942-1945) De används för att bygga B-24 bombplan, flygmotorer, jeepar, M-4 stridsvagnar, militära lastbilar och Bren-gun bärare och mer än 30.000 super laddade Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 motorer till Mosquito och Lancaster bombplan samt P-51 Mustang fighters. Efter kriget Ford bilar i USA blev större och flashier tillsammans med sina konkurrenter. I 60: s Ford var tillbaka i förgrunden igen när man inför deras kommersiella hit Mustang 1964. Mustang var så populär tävlingen var tvungen att följa Fords exempel och ponycar fenomenet tog över USA. Under åren ponnyer växte några muskler tills oljekrisen döda äntligen dödat dem.

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