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Mercury Comet 200 cubic inch inline-6 1963

Allmän beskrivning : Nice older restoration. Original color combination. Great-running 170 cubic inch inline-6 with automatic, so it’s easy to handle. Power top, bucket seats, center console. Very clean throughout, ready to have fun!

Before there was the Mustang, the Ford Falcon and Mercury Comet were the go-to choices for right-sized cars that were fun to drive and affordable to own. The Comet was a bit bigger and more luxurious than the bare-bones Falcon and offered a unique look that sets it apart. For many people, it was a big step up, offering big car looks and comfort without the big car price tag. That remains true today, where you can own this awesome 1963 Comet convertible for less than the cost of a comparable Mustang. With small tail fins, the Comet has a look that ties it together with its other Mercury siblings and helps it stand apart—here in the showroom, a lot of folks mistake it for something bigger and more expensive. Mercury called code M Sultana White, which is pretty much the same Wimbledon White that adorned so many Fords of the era. It’s a soft white with a little yellow in it, not a hard appliance white, and that certainly helps with the upscale look. Finish quality is very good with straight bodywork that doesn’t show signs of major rust or accident damage, good panel gaps, and end caps on those tail fins that fit almost seamlessly. The chrome is probably original and some of it is showing some age, including the ‘Comet’ emblem on the hood, which is damaged, but details like the fluted panel between the taillights and both bumpers are in great shape, plus the distinctive S-22 stainless trim on the sides. For a car you’re going to drive, this one presents quite well.

The tan bucket seat interior was part of the S-22 package and it offers correct seat covers with silver piping, new black carpets, correct door panels, and plenty of 1960s jet-age details—check out the silver fil inserts on the door panels! These were simple cars, so the instrument panel reflects that: a wide speedometer, fuel and temperature gauges, and a row of control knobs for secondary functions underneath. The black plastic steering wheel is so nice it has to be new, and the controls will feel familiar the moment you slide behind the wheel. Affordable cars weren’t usually loaded up with options, although there’s an AM radio in the center of the dash and a power convertible top, something seldom seen on these cars. The top itself was probably replaced at the same time, and offers a crystal clear rear window and an excellent fit. There’s also a rather large trunk upholstered in correct mouse fur upholstery and it includes a full-sized spare tire assembly.

Ford’s remarkably smooth 170 cubic inch inline-6 provides enough power to make the Comet feel sporting around town. It never seems to work very hard and the inline engine remains turbine smooth throughout the range. Given it’s bulletproof reliability and easy maintenance, it remains a great choice for the enthusiast looking for a car that’s easy to live with. It’s detailed with Ford Blue engine enamel and wears correct decals and lots of new parts, including belts, hoses, fuel pump, and more. It starts easily and idles nicely, and never seems to be working very hard. The 2-speed Merc-O-Matic automatic transmission is a great complement to the six’s torque curve, pulling it off the line with enthusiasm yet reasonable at highway speeds. The undercarriage is clean with professionally-done floor patches in the usual spots, but nothing that should cause concern. The rockers and torque boxes are in excellent condition and all the factory convertible reinforcements are still in place. There’s a newer exhaust system with a pleasing sound, the brakes are effective, the gas tank is new, and it sits on factory steel wheels and 195/75/14 whitewall radials.

A little unusual, a lot of fun, and nicely finished, this Comet delivers the kind of drop-top fun you’ve been looking for. Cheaper than a Mustang and far less common, you’ll stand out at shows yet still benefit from the massive aftermarket that sprang up to support the Mustang—everything you will need is just a phone call away. A great little car that’s ready to enjoy. Call today!

Harwood Motors always recommends and welcomes personal or professional inspections of any vehicle in our inventory prior to purchase.

1963 Mercury Comet 200 cubic inch inline-6 is listed till salu on ClassicDigest in Ohio by Harwood Motors for $19900.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Mercury Modell : Comet Modellversion : 200 cubic inch inline-6 Motorvolym : 0.0 Årsmodell : 1963 Karosstyp : Convertible Läge : Ohio Fordon Registrering : Odefinierad

19900 $

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Harwood Motors

Harwood Motors
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om Mercury
Mercury, bilmärket, har en rik historia som sträcker sig bortom dess roll inom anpassnings- och hot rod-scenen, särskilt med den ikoniska Mercury Eight. Här är några nyckelpunkter att känna till om Mercury:

Bildande och Tidiga År:
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Mercury Eight:
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Mercury Eight, med sitt distinkta utseende och relativt överkomliga pris, blev en favorit bland byggare av anpassade bilar. Den spelade en avgörande roll i utvecklingen av kulturen kring anpassade bilar och hot rods, särskilt under perioden efter andra världskriget.
Lead Sleds och Anpassning:
Termen "lead sled" associeras ofta med kraftigt anpassade bilar från 1940- och 1950-talen. Dessa bilar, inklusive Mercury Eight, modifierades ofta med sänkt fjädring, kapade tak och andra stilistiska förändringar. Lead sleds blev en framträdande del av scenen för anpassade bilar, och Mercury Eight var ett populärt val för sådana modifieringar.
Efterkrigstidens Framgång:
Under efterkrigstiden upplevde Mercury, liksom många andra amerikanska biltillverkare, en ökad popularitet när ekonomin blomstrade. Märket bidrog till eran av fascination för eleganta och kraftfulla bilar.
Utveckling av Modeller:
Genom åren producerade Mercury olika modeller och bidrog till Fords utbud. Några märkbara modeller inkluderar Mercury Monterey, Mercury Comet och Mercury Cougar.
Nedgång och Nedläggning:
Trots perioder av framgång mötte Mercury utmaningar när det gällde att etablera en unik identitet separat från Ford. När konsumentpreferenser förändrades hade märket svårt, och Ford tillkännagav slutligen nedläggningen av Mercury år 2010.
Arv i Populärkulturen:
Mercury, särskilt modeller som Mercury Eight, har en betydande plats i amerikansk populärkultur. Dess koppling till anpassnings- och hot rod-scenen, samt dess distinkta design, har lämnat ett varaktigt intryck.
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