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Porsche 356 1.6L air-cooled 4-cylinder 1964

Allmän beskrivning : 1964 Porsche 356C Coupe
Chassis Number – 216052
Engine Number – 711 253
Gearbox Number – 72898-741
Exterior Color – Light Ivory
Interior Color – Black
Engine Type – 1.6 Liter Flat-Four
Gearbox – 4-Speed Manual Transaxle
Current Mileage – 08,871 (TMU)

Highlights of this Porsche

-Original Ownership Since Purchase
-Matching Engine and Transmission per Kardex Information
-A Very Nice Top-Level Driver 356 Ready to enjoy on the open road

Marque and Model History

The legendary Porsche 356 remains today one of the icons of sports car design. With its unique profile and race-inspired lineage, the 356 became the first Porsche to proudly bear the family name of Ferdinand Porsche. Introduced in 1948, the 356 continually evolved with design and mechanical refinements until 1965, when production yielded to the 911. Culminating those years of development, the most impressive advancements came with the 356 C. Offered with standard Dunlop four-wheel disc brakes, higher lift camshaft in the 1600 C engine, and deeper bucket seats, the most advanced 356 set a new standard for the model line.

History of this Car

Among the most desirable Porsches, rare single ownership examples are becoming nearly impossible to find. Such is the case with this Porsche 356 purchased new by the first and singular owner, 58 years ago. According to multiple original documents, a copy of the Kardex, and the original purchase invoice accompanying this car, it was manufactured November 7, 1963, finished in Light Ivory with Black Leatherette interior, and delivered through handler P.C. Import, Kenilworth. The engine, transmission, and VIN noted on the Kardex corroborate this original one-owner 356 Coupe. A copy of the original purchase order further verifying this information is also included with the car. The owner selected headrests, seat belts, and a ski rack as options. The purchase order is dated Feb. 5, 1964, from Archie D. Walker Jr. Imported Motors, Minneapolis, MN.

The singular owner enjoyed regular use of this Porsche for many years eventually removing parts for refinishing including an engine rebuild. According to the owner, the car was stored in the mid 1990s where it remained until recently being recommissioned for road use. In addition to the engine rebuild, the paint was blended in various areas including chrome, wheel refinishing, and various trim all with efforts to preserve and maintain original features and components.

General Overview

Today with 8,871 miles indicated on the odometer, this 356C Coupe presents as a very nicely prepared example with refined top-level driver cosmetics reflecting a combination of original and restored features. During later years of ownership, considerable effort was made to refine and sensitively restore the car. The Ivory paint is glossy throughout showing a few small chips and minor marks on front facing surfaces and slight variation in paint finish on the doors owing to selective paint work completed some years ago. The trim is in very good to excellent condition overall with very nice chrome including smooth door window frames and no significant hazing on any of the plated parts. The lenses, lighting, and various trim and script are all in very good condition contributing to the overall cohesive visual presentation of this car. The panel gaps are consistent with very nice closures and tight fit including the doors which open and shut smoothly. Outfitted with silver painted wheels and chrome plated wheel covers, the traditional Porsche 356 stance is nicely defined resting on a set of Vredestein Sprint Classic tires.

The black leatherette interior presents very nicely with excellent fit and finish including older restored seats no longer configured with the optional headrests. The matching black door panels, correct carpeting, and headliner are all cohesively presented. The dashboard is extremely nice, displaying clear, handsome instrumentation contrasted by matching ivory paint, and taut black dash padding. A beautifully finished steering wheel with excellent aluminum spokes and a glossy Porsche center emblem beautifully finishes the front portion of the cockpit. The rear seating area is finished with matching materials including carpet on the backsides of the hinged rear seats which makes for a helpful storage area when in the down position.

Under the hood, the matching numbers engine and engine bay delivers a thoughtful and correct presentation using Porsche parts, correct oil filter canister, correct air cleaners, and engine details. The rebuilt engine has been refinished using correct coatings, hardware, and fasteners. The front storage compartment stores a correct spare tire retained by a leather hold down strap as well as correct VIN stampings. The undercarriage is representative of a well-cared for example with sound floor pans, battery box, and properly restored components including the matching number transmission, numbered 72898-741, which is confirmed by the Kardex.

This 356 C is a delight to drive with smooth road manners, easy starts warm or cold, has progressive acceleration to highway speeds, and handling consistent with original examples. Braking is very good, coming down from higher speeds with confidence and ride integrity is quite good even over bumpy road surfaces.

Included with this Car

This Porsche comes with a copy of the original purchase order, several copies of original service invoices dating back to purchase, a copy of the Kardex, a factory tool wrap and assorted tools with tire pressure gauge, A driver’s manual, Two Porsche Service Books with service entries, and assorted period sales literature.

1964 Porsche 356 1.6L air-cooled 4-cylinder is listed såld on ClassicDigest in Emeryville by Fantasy Junction for Ej prissatt.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Porsche Modell : 356 Modellversion : 1.6L air-cooled 4-cylinder Motorvolym : 1.6 Årsmodell : 1964 Läge : Emeryville Fordon Registrering : Normal


Information om säljaren


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Tidig början:
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Volkswagen Beetle och före krigsprototyper: Ferdinand Porsche designade Volkswagen Beetle, och under 1930-talet utvecklade företaget flera innovativa racingbilar och prototyper, till exempel Auto Union Grand Prix-bilar.
Evolution efter kriget:
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Tävlingsframgång: 356 etablerade Porsches racingarv, vann många tävlingar och etablerar sig som ett prestationsorienterat varumärke.
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Racing Heritage:
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Teknologiska framsteg:
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Avancerad teknik: Under åren förfinade Porsche kontinuerligt sin teknik och introducerade innovationer inom aerodynamik, hantering och material.
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