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Porsche 356 1960

Allmän beskrivning : Cabriolets had been manufactured right from the start of Type 356 production, but the first open Porsche to make a significant impact was the Speedster, introduced in 1954 following the successful reception in the USA of a batch of 15 special roadsters. The Reutter-bodied Speedster was dropped in 1958 and replaced by the more civilised Convertible D, which differed principally by virtue of its larger windscreen and winding side windows. Porsche sub-contracted cabriolet body construction to a number of different coachbuilders including Drauz of Heilbronn, d'Ieteren of Brussels and its long-time collaborator and close neighbour, Reutter.
By the time the 356B arrived in September 1959, the car had gained a one-piece rounded windscreen and 15"-diameter wheels, and the newcomer's introduction brought with it further styling revisions. The engine, now standardised at 1,600cc, was available in three different stages of tune, the most powerful - apart from the four-cam Carrera - being the 90bhp unit of the Super 90. The 356B represents significant advances in driveability and comfort over earlier 356 models, and is a pleasingly quick way to enjoy the traditional Porsche values of quality, reliability and mechanical robustness.
This Right-hand drive example was completed at Karosserie Reutter in 1960 for Alan Clark, Politician, historian, diarist and motoring enthusiast. Clark took delivery at his Switzerland home where he was living while writing his first famous book about World War One, 'The Donkeys'. He brought the Porsche over to England in May 1962 shown by the original old-style logbook present in the file . The car was later sold to AFN the UK importer. It is reputedly, only one of eight right-hand examples of its type in the UK.
In 1968 this 356 was purchased by David Carnwath. The car had three subsequent owners prior to its acquisition by Michael Chadwick in 1990. He took the car to Peter Nardelli, who fitted side mouldings and a dashboard clock (both factory options in 1960) together with new 5.5" chromed wheels with 185/70 tyres. Peter also persuaded Michael Chadwick to have the engine fully rebuilt, commenting that Michael's was one of the best 356s he had driven. A full rebuild of the engine and ancillaries was duly carried in mid-1991 by Chris Mannion & Company to very high standard.
In 1993 a full bare-metal repaint was carried out and the car was then put into storage until 1996 when it was acquired by the current owner. The car has been kept garaged since acquisition and is used occasionally, covering no more than 200-300 miles annually, mostly in the dry summer months. It has been regularly serviced, maintained and MoT tested. In the last few months, the car has had a comprehensive refurbishment including full respray, new carpets, new roof and mechanics, etc… Now for sale, this extremely well presented and rare 356 B RHD will be a very sure investment, as rarity is always essential.
Bespoke financial arrangements are available to assist in the purchase of this car.

1960 Porsche 356 is listed till salu on ClassicDigest in Chiswick by Landmark Car Company for Ej prissatt.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Porsche Modell : 356 Motorvolym : 1.6 Årsmodell : 1960 Karosstyp : Convertible Läge : Chiswick Fordon Registrering : Odefinierad

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Landmark Car Co

Landmark Car Company
+44 208 747 5930
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om Porsche
Porsches historia är en fascinerande resa från dess ödmjuka början till att bli en ikonisk sportbiltillverkare. Här är en omfattande översikt som täcker de första åren fram till 1990 -talet, inklusive modeller och deras racinghistoria:

Tidig början:
Grundande och tidiga modeller: Grundades av Ferdinand Porsche 1931 och fokuserade initialt på fordonskonsult och design.
Volkswagen Beetle och före krigsprototyper: Ferdinand Porsche designade Volkswagen Beetle, och under 1930-talet utvecklade företaget flera innovativa racingbilar och prototyper, till exempel Auto Union Grand Prix-bilar.
Evolution efter kriget:
Porsche 356 (1948-1965): Den första produktionsmodellen av Porsche, en lätt och smidig sportbil, utvecklades genom olika iterationer, inklusive Speedster- och Carrera-versioner.
Tävlingsframgång: 356 etablerade Porsches racingarv, vann många tävlingar och etablerar sig som ett prestationsorienterat varumärke.
Ikoniska modeller på 1960-1990-talet:
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Varianter och evolution: Från de tidiga luftkylda modellerna till de mer moderna vattenkylda versionerna har 911 genomgått betydande tekniska framsteg och modellvariationer.
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Samarbete med Volkswagen: Gemensamt utvecklat med Volkswagen, Mid Engine 914, erbjöd ett mer prisvärt inträde i Porsche-ägandet.
Porsche 924/944/968 Series (1976-1995):
Frontmotormodeller: Dessa frontmotormodeller syftade till att locka en bredare publik och erbjuder en annan körupplevelse jämfört med bakmotorn 911.
Racing Heritage:
Le Mans och Endurance Racing: Porsches racingarv inkluderar många segrar vid prestigefyllda evenemang som Le Mans, som visar upp varumärkets tekniska excellens och prestanda.
Can-Am, Rallying och Touring Cars: Porsches framgång inom olika racingdiscipliner bidrog avsevärt till dess rykte och tekniska framsteg inom bilteknik.
Teknologiska framsteg:
Turboladdning och innovationer: Porsche var banbrytande turboladdning i produktionsbilar med 911 Turbo och introducerade den senaste tekniken som påverkade bilindustrin.
Avancerad teknik: Under åren förfinade Porsche kontinuerligt sin teknik och introducerade innovationer inom aerodynamik, hantering och material.
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