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The Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa, chassis 0758TR, has got to be the most butchered, disrespected, and downright ugliest Ferrari 250 TR to ever exist. It started life just fine, racing in smaller events around the Caribbean and South America—nothing too glamorous, but hey...
No joking that is the fubar of all fubars!
Graupner Super Cirrus Scratch Build
With Sunny and Blue Phoenix off my table I thought it might be a good moment to scratch build a Graupner Cirrus, with a twist. I'll be utilizin KeilKraft Elmira airfoil and a vintage GRP fuse I managed to pick up last summer, shortly after selling my original Graupner Cirrus.
It's an American thing no matter where you go even highest profile Amelia island / Pebble beach there is always a bunch of boomers with cheap Chinese baseball caps...
Three Aquilas plus three other operational sailplanes ( Tommy, FF, Eclipse) scratch built BOT, Sagitta 900 mod and my original vintage design under construction.
and PIK20, Marks Model's BOT NIB that I will never built.
American Racer
If there was one racer I could have, I think this is it. W196 is just the ultimate combination of speed and beauty.
Scrapyard Rolls Royce Camargue
Rolls Royce Camargue may have been the most expansive car in its day but it also takes to scrapyard like a fish to water or Jimmy to gin, cheers to that!
I thought I`d sniff at it but it`s kinda cute.
Mercedes C124 as Porsche Mule
Someone on this page said Porsche had the coolest mules. I fully agree! This is not a wide body C124 AMG but a mule for a V8 Porsche that never happened. O'boy is it cool or what?
Check out the safety equipment, the stylish helmet and the very peculiar massive racing lap belt. Never seen one like that before! were they common at the time?
During World War II, Willow Run was a powerhouse of production, turning out 428 B-24 Liberators at an astonishing rate. Between April 24 and April 26, 1944, a record 100 bombers took to the skies from the plant. By 1945, Ford was responsible for 70% of all B-24s, manufacturing 6,972 of the 18,482 to
Long way home:
From factory Stuttgart to US. Then back to Germany, Berlin. Then to Frankfurt and finally to Finland.
Ab Werk Stuttgart nach US, dann zurück nach Deutschland, Berlin. Dann nach Frankfurt und schließlich nach Finnland.
f B-17 #42-32000 Assigned to the 524th Bomb Squadron, /379th Bomb Group WA-P Kimbolton 27/2/44. crash landed 4th of July in Felpham, Sussex, UK due to flack damage. The garden owner gave crew tea and coffee!
Barry Gibb famous for his high-pitched falsetto as witnessed by BeeGees fans trying hard to keep his Lotus Europa hatch from getting blown away by the wind.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes I'm a dancing man and I just can't lose...
Bird of Time 3-metre Sailplane Scra...
To size up what needs to be done and to motivate myself to push further I decided to assemble the bits and pieces together. Starting to look like a proper sailplane. 800 grams as is with the servos, which isn't bad considering its size.
Italian Job
Ferrari 288 GTO Prototype number six, s/n 47711
Italian Job
Notice 288 GTO emblem, which the production cars did not wear.
Italian Job
Sold to a private individual unknown whereabouts, to me at least!
I understand the GTO has a longitudinal turbo engine and 308 transverse one but how difficult would it be to turn a 308 into GTO replica?
Italian Job
difficulty is a matter of each individual capabilities.
Liberty Bell
In 1976, Bob and Doris Rich piloted a radio-controlled Sr. Falcon model aircraft, Liberty Bell, on a transcontinental flight to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial. The journey began in Kitty Hawk, NC, on October 1 and ended in Oceanside, CA, on October 29. Over 3,026 miles, the aircraft logged 68 hours
It seems 300SL Mercedes was the weapon of choice for many of Hollywood's stars in the late 50's early 60's Or was it just a promotional gimmick by the factory, go figure.. click on to see more stars in 300SL Mercedes.
Many may have seen Cuban commuter busses made of semi trucks. but this Mercedes from the 50's is certainly a novelty! In fact it is not what it seems to be a coach but a promotional lorry for Melissa, German herbal tonic!
You paid ridiculous money for your 300SL Roadster so you might make it work for its living, right? Here's the Stuttgart's finest hauling a mighty timber load...
Over the time you find yourself facing moments that underline passage of time and the fact that it's not indefinite, all things come to an end one way or another.
This particular example was found in a mildly sinister back yard in the heart of Compton L.A.
Somehow we survived inspire of demoralizing comments by so called friends.
Back in the summer of '69, Dr. Bob Hieronimus got a cool gig painting the Woodstock Light Bus for his buddies in the Baltimore rock band, Light. He worked his magic by a lake just outside Baltimore, and this groovy VW bus set off on its epic journey to the legendary Woodstock festival.
Gerard Gombert was once a handsome mechanic and local motorcycle racing daredevil over the years something snapped and Gerard turned a hoarder of race and sports car wrecks, mostly Alpine.
The Chap
I find the whole idea odd, to say the least.
New wire wheeled Ford GT40s at John...
Very nice display of brand new Ford GT40s at John Wyer Automotive Engineering Ltd. The Opalescent Silver Blue,Original demonstrator P/1069 was dispatched by John Wyer to Garage Filippinetti for display at the 1967 Geneva Motor Show before touring Ford Dealers around the world.
Ps, great array of early GTs all with Borrani wire wheels.
n 1971, P/1069 was acquired by Anthony Bamford of JCB fame. and thus repainted to JCB yellow. Not very stylish in my book.
A sight for sore eyes! I also love those wire wheels that look so much better than the Halibrands
Cheap Tricks
How many much for the lot then and now?
Ford GT40 life hack #1
This shot harks back to the 1966 24 Hours of Daytona, showcasing a rather dramatic issue faced by the factory Ford GT40s on Daytona’s dizzying high banks.
Thanks to the considerable centrifugal forces at play, the GT40’s suspension decided to compress just enough to let the right-front tyre get uncomfortably close—indeed, too close—to the underside of the car’s bodywork.
With cardboard covers taped duct taped to protect the headlights. all makeshift solutions that work.
Rootes Arrow, more specifically Sunbeam Vogue
Thanks to badge engineering also available as Chrysler Hunter, Chrysler Vogue, Dodge Husky, Hillman Arrow, Humber Sceptre, Singer Gazelle , Sunbeam Arrow and many more...
Imagine the exhilarating experience of driving a Porsche Type 823 fake tank, the epitome of battlefield glamour! Imagine the thrill as you cruise along in your deceivingly tank-like contraption, its thin tin body offering the ultimate (lack) sense of security, drawing the enemy artillery fire
Designed by Béla Barényi, the W111 was the first series-production car to incorporate crumple zones into its design, a revolutionary step that remains a fundamental principle in modern car safety.
Project Tip-Tow was a Cold War-era experiment by the U.S. Air Force that aimed to extend the range of early jet fighters by having them "tow" next a larger aircraft, specifically a B-29 or B-36 bombe. Tip Tow was a brainchild by Richard Vogt an eccentric German aeronautical engineer.
The shark nose's been dormant longer that it should. So it was finally time to open the Aladdin's cave and let the sun shine in on the dusty blue paint. The engine was as happy as ever to wake up after hibernation but the brakes not so...
Today, my Sagitta 900 had it's re-maiden. In exceptionally beautiful and freezing northern winter weather. There was a low hanging inversion layer or below which it was -15 Celsius and around -2 above.
Turbonique -the rocket powered turbo rear axle- came about in 1962 in Orlando, Florida, a stone's throw from NASA rockets, by Gene Middlebrooks, a Nasa subcontractor on the propulsion system for the Pershing missile program, looking for new business.
Hans Baumaster
Two very different approaches to luxury interior. Velours can be fragile and hard to keep clean but no one can deny how comfortable they are.
Those must be w123 Series 2 velour (suede) seats
Beautiful sunny day with potent thermals and my new old Aguila solarfilm wing goes on a holiday in the sun. I tried a few hi-starts and it was dreadfully bad.
Where was that jaguar E-type dragster again?
Frencie car with good ol' American V8 Hemi
Pilot (OkModel) Tommy vintage Sailp...
This is where it all started on Xmas in 1983 or so. My very first RC plane ever, Pilot Tommy. The poor glider snapped its wing on a towline in 84-85 what was left of the bird was (kinda) patched in one piece put away in an attic and forgotten for 36 years. Until now that is!
Michalak Corsaspider a clever speedster concept by Michalak Corsaspider and build by Voll, 2.0l-engine with 115HP from the Kadett GSi sits behind the driver with bits of Ascona. 40kg less than standard Corsa It was was a blast!
Those must be Ascona strut towers, I bet the rear axle is actually Ascona front one..
SGS tuning Mercedes 500 sec pick up
Styling Garage (SGS), a renowned coachbuilder and tuner located near Hamburg, Germany, operated from 1979 to 1986. The firm, which became synonymous with luxury and opulence, specialized in crafting extravagant designs predominantly based on the Mercedes-Benz W126 S-class.
Frankly I always thought so called hot Rodgers lack imagination repeating the same formula over and over again. I would take this over any ol'32 hiboy or other cliche-rod
Introduced in 1983, winning the model of the year award the same year, what ever that means. The cool bit is you can still order the kit directly from the manufacturer!
Everyone knows the mighty Peugeot 205 was designed by Pininfarina. And what a great job they did! However you might not know the interior was penned by Paul Bracq!
What you're looking, is actually two Iso Grifo A3/C Bizzarrinis no.0214 & 0210. combined by racing legend and ex WWII B-24 belly gunner Max Ernest Balchowsky.
Italian Job
That's how it was back then. People harping about matching numbers and the rest of that BS have absolutely no idea of the reality when it comes to historical racing cars. It was all about mix and match to make it to the next race.
It used to be matching what you could get your hands on, whereas today it's all about matching numbers in one way or another -if you know what i mean...
1973 Earl Court Motor show, head for PR at Saab Mr Wankalot thought it was a brilliant idea to hire staff at his local strip club. They tell she is Mr Wankalot's personal favorite at the gentleman's club in Bristol.
The rumor has it after their first disqualification at 24HRS du Mans due to illegal jump start. Shelby came up with a clever plan. Should they have a flat battery there was a bit rain coat under which one could hide a battery with cables running inside the sleeves. A trick that worked
Rarely does one witness such a fucked up design than the infamous Antarctic Snow Cruiser, a collaboration between US government ( you can already see where this is going) and Armour Institute of Technology.
ClassicDigest Crew
Hi Jules, the II part of the Trojan Saga is on its way. We have just been so busy with our Mercedes 280 se 5.0 project. (as well as developing classicdigest site...)
560 SEC barnfind possible AMG?
A barn fresh 560sec with rust free body is decent find these days. Some paper work seems to suggest it may be a genuine pre merger AMG. The quest for more evidence continues.
Hans Baumaster
That is some find, what is the story behind? Did you guys buy it?
ClassicDigest Crew
The usual story, someone watched too much pimp my ride, trashed a fine car doing an imaginary LS-swap (yawn) and run out of steam when the damage was done. Yes, the car is part of ClassicDigest fleet now. Its final destiny will be decided upon once the po
Congrats! besides LS ten times better than SBC I recon.
I thing this was a custom built in France in the 80's it was white with two doors,
Neglected Cosworth MB
Another neglected 190 2.3-16 mercedes, car that broke speed records, introduced Ayrton Senna to the world and after rough start ruled DTM....all forgotten now. There goes the fame and fortune of this world.
It's a car. Cars are supposed to be driven aren't they?
They are! Not entirely sure if that includes snow and salt though ; )
Microprop Variomodul vintage RC
Now this is proper Nib nos and all that jazz vintage collector material the Microprop Variomodul sender with a very bespoke receiver battery. Untouched since when? The 80's late 70's?
Looking at the boot lid I can tell this is actually a coupe with w111 sedan taillights and fins. But the point is, yes that's pretty close to what it would look like and I like it.
The Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa, chassis 0758TR, has got to be the most butchered, disrespected, and downright ugliest Ferrari 250 TR to ever exist. It started life just fine, racing in smaller events around the Caribbean and South America—nothing too glamorous, but hey...