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BMW 325 325i Hartge H27 1985

Allmän beskrivning : Equipment

Diamond Black Metallic paintwork, Anthracite cloth upholstery, 16-inch Hartge alloy wheels, 2.7-litre M20 straight-six producing circa 200hp, 5-speed manual transmission, Sports seats, Hartge cylinder head, Hartge valves and camshaft, Hartge long-throw steel crank, Hartge ECU, Hartge suspension, Hartge steering wheel and gear knob, Stainless steel exhaust, Air conditioning, Glass sunroof, Electric windows, On-board computer, ABS, Remote central locking, Alarm, Alpine CD player, Spare key.


Finished in classic Diamantschwarz with contrasting chrome bumpers and 16-inch Hartge alloy wheels, this special E30 looks fantastic beneath our studio lights. And, as one of only a handful of 325is converted to Hartge H26 specification in period by Birds BMW, it’s a rare beast indeed. The body and paintwork are well presented with deep and even shine but in line with the age and mileage there is an honest dusting of small marks and chips to report on very close inspection. The glass and plastics are in fine order throughout, and all the chrome elements still retain a mirror shine.

The previous owner was a Birds BMW technician and E30 enthusiast who, in the early 2000s, carried out a full restoration on the car. Now, after spending a few years tucked away in storage, it has once again been fully recommissioned and cosmetically improved with bills in the paperwork totalling more than £22k since 2021. The result is what you see here, a very special and rather unique Hartge-tuned E30 in sought after manual, two-door guise.



The interior is well appointed with sports seats, electric windows, electric mirrors, a glass sunroof, on-board computer, and ice-cold air conditioning. It’s lifted further with a Hartge leather steering wheel, gear knob, and some very nice subtle Alcantara touches. The pinstriped anthracite cloth presents in great original condition, including commonly worn areas such as the seat bolsters, and the dashboard is free from any of the usual E30 cracking issues. There are a few small marks on the steering wheel rim and spokes but, with little else to detract from the cabin’s overall highly impressive finish, it’s a great place to be.


Under the bonnet is clean and tidy but what really makes this one so special is the engine itself. The original Hartge-tuned M20 straight-six was fully rebuilt to H27 2.7-litre spec 12k miles ago and features a gas-flowed and skimmed Hartge cylinder head, Hartge valves and camshaft, a Hartge H27 long-throw steel crank, machined BMW M43 pistons, and a Hartge ECU; further equipped with a stainless exhaust the car sounds absolutely fantastic. The original 325i manual gearbox is retained but was treated to new linkage and a replacement clutch alongside the engine rebuild. The last service was carried out less than 500 miles ago and both the cambelt and water pump were replaced in 2021.

History File

This brilliant pre-facelift E30 Hartge was first registered in November 1985. Supplied new by Birds BMW it has now driven 123,000 miles in the hands of only 4 registered keepers. Birds Garage, a former BMW main dealer, are internationally recognised for their affiliation with Hartge during the 80s and 90s and are a highly regarded BMW tuning specialist to this day. The car featured here was one of a batch imported by Birds to convert and sell in period, so right from the start it was equipped with the full Hartge H26-spec cylinder head package which also included new valves, a Hartge camshaft, tweaked ignition and fuelling, along with a Hartge exhaust and the full Hartge suspension kit.

In 2003 the car was purchased by the current owner who drove it for about 12k miles before placing placing it into storage. The owner before him (of 11 years) was a BMW technician at Birds so it’s safe to assume that he knew a thing or two the marque, and Hartges in particular. The car was restored by him in the early 2000s, and while the engine was removed it was fully stripped and rebuilt but this time to H27 spec, with a new long-stroke Hartge crank and shorter pistons.

In 2021 the car was sent to a classic marque specialist for a thorough shakedown and recommissioning, with invoices for this work on file amounting to an eye-watering £22,300! Now ready for its next custodian, we’re pleased to report that this is one of the most rewarding E30s we’ve driven; near-M3 levels of performance but with a smooth straight six – and right-hand drive.

The History File is complete with the original BMW document wallet and handbooks, the dealer-supplied service book that’s stamped up to 117k miles, a selection of invoices and MOT certificates, an issue of Total BMW magazine where the car was featured, a spare key, and the V5C showing only 3 former keepers.

1985 BMW 325 325i Hartge H27 is listed såld on ClassicDigest in Kingsley by 4 Star Classics for £29995.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : BMW Modell : 325 Modellversion : 325i Hartge H27 Motorvolym : 2.7 Årsmodell : 1985 Karosstyp : Pick up Läge : Hampshire


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om BMW
Bayerische Motoren Werke, allmänt känt som BMW, har en rik historia som sträcker sig tillbaka till grundandet 1916. Ursprungligen etablerat som en flygmotortillverkare under första världskriget, ställdes BMW inför restriktioner när det gällde flygplansproduktion efter kriget. Som svar på detta skiftade företaget 1923 fokus till motorcykeltillverkning, vilket markerade början av deras deltagande inom bilindustrin. Därefter inträdde BMW i bilvärlden 1928 genom att producera DIXI, i huvudsak en licensierad version av Austin 7 från Austin Motor Company.

Under 1930-talet började BMW etablera sig som tillverkare av eleganta och högpresterande fordon. En framstående modell från denna tid är BMW 327, som introducerades 1937. 327 fanns tillgänglig som både coupé och cabriolet och visade företagets engagemang för lyx och stil. Dessutom nådde BMW framgångar inom sportbilsracing under denna period, särskilt med modellen BMW 328. BMW tävlade med 328 i olika racingevenemang, inklusive det prestigefyllda Mille Miglia, där företaget introducerade flera aerodynamiska specialmodeller.

Efterkrigstiden var utmanande för BMW, och företaget stod inför ekonomiska svårigheter som nästan ledde till konkurs. Trots detta lyckades BMW återhämta sig och återuppbygga sig, och blev så småningom en av de ledande premiumvarumärkena globalt.

När 1960-talet rullade in befäste BMW ytterligare sitt rykte som tillverkare av sportiga och lyxiga fordon. År 1968 introducerades BMW 2002 och markerade födelsen av "New Class" av kompakta, sportiga sedaner. 2002 blev populär för sitt smidiga hantering och prestanda och lade grunden för BMW:s sportiga image.

I och med 1970-talet utvidgade BMW sitt sortiment med introduktionen av plattformen E9, som inkluderade den ikoniska BMW 3.0 CS-coupén. E9-serien visade BMW:s engagemang för att kombinera prestanda och lyx. År 1972 gjorde M1, BMW:s första mittmotordrivna sportbil, sin debut. M1 utvecklades ursprungligen som en tävlingsbil men blev senare också en bil för allmän väg. M1 lade grunden för BMW:s högpresterande M-serie.

Mot slutet av 1970-talet introducerades BMW E24 6-serien och erbjöd en kombination av lyx och prestanda. 6-serien inkluderade modeller som 630CS, 633CSi och 635CSi och blev en symbol för sofistikering och körglädje.

Genom dessa milstolpar och en satsning på innovation och prestanda har BMW utvecklats till en gigant inom bilindustrin och behåller sin status som ett av de ledande premiumvarumärkena globalt.