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Renault Alpine A110 Berlinette 1300 1973

Allmän beskrivning : Model History

Arguably the most iconic Alpine-Renault ever produced was the A110, it was launched in 1962 as the replacement to the A108. The A110 proved to be highly successful in rallying, in 1969 the A110s took the top three positions in the Coupe des Alpes rally. The A110's competition record continued to improve winning the World Rally Championship in 1973.

The V85 model was marketed as an entry-level model, and it was first introduced in 1970. With an engine sourced from a Renault 12 TS that could produce 81hp with a curb weight of only 700 kilograms, the A110 could achieve a top speed of 113mph and 0-60 in little over 8 seconds. The V85 was renamed the 1300 by the time the model was discontinued in 1976. By that time, 2,890 examples had been produced.


Yellow paintwork, Black leather/corduroy bucket seats, 4-speed manual gearbox, Alloy wheels, Racing harnesses, Push-button start, Engine cut-off, Fire extinguisher, Competition steering wheel, Front and rear disc brakes, Front suspension with wishbones and coil springs, Swing axle rear suspension, Spare wheel.


The paintwork presents nicely with only a few small age-related imperfections as to be expected with a fibreglass body. On the whole the chrome work is in very nice condition with only a little pitting to the door handles and rear bumper. All of the glass and lights remain in excellent chip and moisture-free condition. Overall, a smart and presentable example in its original yellow colour, ready to be enjoyed on the open road.



The Alpine has been tastefully upgraded to a rally specification hence the addition of the lovely period bucket seats, a fire extinguisher, thick-rimmed competition steering wheel and a cut-off switch on the dash. The condition of the interior itself is very good with nice fresh carpets, no damage to the interior door cards or trims other than a small crack on the edge of the dashboard. The headlining is good and looks to be in original condition as do the rear seats.


The current owner bought the car 7 years ago and, after reading through the paperwork, has done a good job of maintaining the car throughout his ownership. The last service was carried out in December 2021. Opening the rear lid reveals a very neat and tidy engine compartment. Out on the road the little 1300 engine gives brisk and exhilarating performance, the gear changes feel tight, and the steering is razor sharp.


The lightweight alloy wheels set the car off nicely giving it a great stance. The condition of the wheels themselves are nice and presentable with a few light marks to the outer edges. They are shod in a matching set of period tyres which have most of the tread remaining.

History File

This particular A110 is a V85 model that was built in March 1973 and delivered new to France. It is still finished in its factory yellow with a four-speed manual transmission and lightweight alloy wheels. The car underwent a sympathetic cosmetic refresh some years back but, as with many older restorations, does now present with a few age-related blemishes.

Alpine A110s have always had a passionate following in Europe, especially in their native France. A V85 such as this is the ideal entry-level vehicle in the A110 range, as it is easier to drive in respect to its more powerful siblings, and cheaper to maintain. The V85 made up a sizable portion of the production run for the A110, and they have always offered great value for the performance they provide. Mechanically the car is very strong and ready to carve up some twisty B-roads. It's a rare thing too, with only 2,890 produced over the model’s six-year production run.

1973 Renault Alpine A110 Berlinette 1300 is listed såld on ClassicDigest in Kingsley by 4 Star Classics for £57495.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Renault Modell : Alpine A110 Berlinette Modellversion : 1300 Motorvolym : 1.3 Årsmodell : 1973 Karosstyp : Pick up Läge : Hampshire


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