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Rolls-Royce 40/50 Silver Ghost Open Tourer by Grosvenor 1922

Allmän beskrivning : Vintage and Prestige are proud to offer this 1922 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Open Tourer by Grosvenor For Sale.
Registration: BF8909
Chassis no: 85TG
Engine no: P223
Upon its debut in 1907, the Rolls-Royce 40/50 horsepower “Silver Ghost” was considered to be the most advanced motorcar money could buy. With Henry Royce’s impressively over-built 7,428cc side-valve inline six-cylinder engine as the centerpiece, the Silver Ghost was a true engineering marvel and a great leap forward in automobile design. The magnificent engine was both incredibly strong but was also light weight thanks to the use of an alloy crankcase. While competitors struggled to achieve reliability due to their long, flexible crankshafts; Royce’s design utilized a crank that was shorter, stronger and supported by seven oversize main bearings. At the factory, Rolls-Royce mechanics assembled the 40/50hp using precise machine work and hand-polishing of mating surfaces to ensure smooth and smoke-free operation – a characteristic that was virtually unheard of for the time. Features such as pressurized oiling, fixed heads to eliminate leaks, and a twin ignition system via magneto or distributor were advancements that established the Silver Ghost as the world standard for fine motorcars. Of course, the Ghost was more than just the engine; the chassis was similarly overbuilt to withstand virtually anything an owner could throw at it. Such was its strength that a vast majority of the approximately 6,500 Silver Ghosts built over its 18 years in production still survive today.
Given its remarkable quality, a Silver Ghost 40/50hp chassis would often outlive its original body. Similarly, as an owner’s tastes changed with the times, a body may be eschewed in favor of something newer and more fashionable. Our featured example, chassis 85TG (P-Series), is a rare exception in that it still wears its original five-passenger touring body by Grosvenor Carriage Co. of London. Grosvenor is best known for its close work with Vauxhall in the pre-war period, though they also supplied a handful of bodies for Daimler and Lanchester. It is not known if any other Rolls-Royces ever wore a Grosvenor body, but this is believed to be a one-off design. The coachwork is clean and charming with many interesting details such as the close-fitted wings, the low-slung body sides, dual windscreens and running board toolbox.
 According to copies of the Schoellkopf card and RROC historical documents, 85TG was originally delivered wearing this Grosvenor coachwork through Paddon Brothers, to a French artist named Maxwell Norman. Norman soon sold the car to his family physician, Dr. Chario who reportedly used the car in Capri for two years. After its time in the Italian sunshine, it was shipped to Long Island, New York and stored for some time before being acquired by Harold Priest of Gleasondale, Massachusetts. It then passed to F.R. Schreiter also of Massachusetts and in 1947, who then sold it to William Gregor of Flint, Michigan who drove 85TG home from New England and began a complete chassis, mechanical and cosmetic freshening. The car was enjoyed regularly by Gregor in club events such as the AACA and RROC, then stored until 1960 when it was acquired by Jack Skaff, another Flint local. Mr. Skaff sold the car to Calvin T. Zahn of Ann Arbor, Michigan; an avid enthusiast and collector of important early motorcars. With Mr. Zahn, the Ghost found a long term home and was cherished by his family for the next 57 years. 
 Today, this Silver Ghost is handsomely presented in a dark gray livery with six matching wheels, over a black interior and newly restored black top. The original Grosvenor body is in remarkably good condition, with excellent paint highlighted with polished fittings and fine detailing. The body features a number of lovely details such as the dual side-mount spare wheels, running-board tool-boxes, a period trunk, large Klaxon horn, and fine original nickel Lucas King of the Road lamps. 
The included build sheets show 85TG was originally trimmed with “antique grained black leather” which is how the car presents today. It is very possible that the seats are original, as they are of this unusual correct-type material and appear to match the original door and kick panels. Original instruments include the Waltham speedometer, clock and minor instruments, as well as supplemental gauges added later in the car’s life when it was used as a trusty touring machine. An array of dash plaques are worn like badges of honor celebrating 85TG’s exploits through the years. They include one for the 1960 CCCA Grand Classic and another proclaiming 85TG as a recipient of the coveted AACA “Foo-Dog Trophy” in 1949; a prize established in 1945 by AACA President D. Cameron Peck to honor an outstanding Rolls-Royce automobile in a National Meet.
Mechanically, the engine and chassis present in fine order with the car is very enjoyable out on the road, with the feel of a well-loved touring veteran. This remarkable Silver Ghost would be a compelling choice for AACA events, Rolls-Royce Owner’s Club tours and CCCA CARavan tours, as it enjoys a rich and fascinating history with all three of these storied organizations. With its high-quality and unique coachwork and handsome presentation, this Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost is simply overflowing with character.
Richard Biddulph 07967 260673
Sales & Valuations
Vintage & Prestige of Northampton Ltd.

2 Ryehill Ct, Lodge Farm Industrial Estate, Northampton NN5 7UA

Service & Trim:Unit 29, Globe Industrial Estate. Grays Essex, RM176ST

Viewings & Visits Strictly by appointment only please. We have on site long term storage for over 200 cars with 24 hour security & covered trailer delivery to customers anywhere in Europe.

1922 Rolls-Royce 40/50 Silver Ghost Open Tourer by Grosvenor is listed till salu on ClassicDigest in Essex by Prestige House for Ej prissatt.


Fakta i bilen

Karosstyp : Personbil Märke : Rolls-Royce Modell : 40/50 Silver Ghost Modellversion : Open Tourer by Grosvenor Motorvolym : 0.0 Årsmodell : 1922 Karosstyp : Station wagon Läge : Essex Fordon Registrering : Odefinierad

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Information om säljaren

Vintage & Prestige

Prestige House
+44(0)1375 379719, +44(0)7967 260673
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Nåväl, damer och herrar, idag dyker vi in i den lysande historien om ett varumärke som alltid har inneburit själva essensen av brittisk lyx och hantverk - Rolls-Royce.

Vår historia börjar vid förra sekelskiftet när två visionärer, Charles Rolls och Henry Royce, beslutade att gå samman. År 1904 föddes den allra första Rolls-Royce, Rolls-Royce 10 hp. Det var en blygsam början för ett företag som skulle omdefiniera bilens överlägsenhet.

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Men, ack, även de mäktigaste måste möta sin nedgång, och Rolls-Royce var inget undantag. Företaget genomgick ekonomiska prövningar på 1970- och 80-talen, vilket ledde till övertagandet av Vickers plc. Sedan kom den kontroversiella ägandeperioden av BMW och Volkswagen, som delade entusiasterna.

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Och det, damer och herrar, för oss till idag. Rolls-Royce fortsätter att producera några av de mest overdådiga, specialtillverkade fordon på planeten, en symbol för brittisk imperium som inte har falnat med tiden. Anden av Sir Henry Royce och Charles Rolls lever vidare i varje bil som bär Spirit of Ecstasy, ett vittnesmål om det bestående arvet av brittisk bilöverlägsenhet.