Allgemeine Beschreibung :
SPECIAL REDUCED PRICE, Fiat 128 was a car model from the Italian car manufacturer Fiat built between 1969 and 1985, The model was introduced as a replacement for the Fiat 1100 and won the title Car of the Year in Denmark and Europe in 1970, Fiat 128 was the first car equipped with Fiat's then brand new engine with overhead camshaft - an engine type that was advanced for its time with cylinder head in aluminum and overhead camshaft driven by a timing belt, At the introduction the 128 was available as a two-door sedan - four-door sedan and three-door station wagon, The only available engine variant until 1971 was a 1.1 L, In 1971 the two-door model 128 Rally Edition came on the market which was equipped with the slightly larger 1.3 L engine, This is a Fiat 128 Rally which was registered in Italy for the first time on 16 June 1972, The car has Historic wagon book and Italian papers, Very fast car that i.a. has participated several times in the Classic Race in Aarhus and various Hillclimb, A lot of money has been spent on the mechanics and especially the engine which provides close to 140 hp, Feel free to contact us for further info.
1971 Fiat 128 1,3 Rally is listed zu verkaufen on ClassicDigest in Bodalen by CC-Cars for €20300.
Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (FIAT, Sie und ich) wurde von Giovanni Agnelli 1899 ihr erstes Auto 3 ½ CV gegründet hatte einen starken resembledence zeitgenössischen Benz wurden nur 25 Exemplare gebaut. 1910 Fiat hatte sich als Italia größten Autohersteller etabliert und in die USA, wo eine neue Anlage wurde in Poughkeepsie, NY gebaut erweitert.
Damals Fiat Autos waren groß und luxuriös Lastkähne für die wohlhabenden oder bellt verrückt Rennwagen wie S76, der Bestie von Turin mit seinen 290hp 28,5-Liter-Vierzylinder-Motor.
Allerdings ist heute Fiat besser bekannt für seine kleinen symphatic Völker Träger, Topolino, 500 "Cinquecento" und 600.
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